Weekend Waffles

You can find waffles recipes pretty much everywhere.

They’re not new.

So why would I share my waffle recipe? πŸ‘©β€πŸ³

Well, my family LOVE them. But also, this is Itchin’ Kitchen version. I have worked at making them more nutritious and more filling. Plus giving you allergy friendly options.

Let me be clear – there is absolutely nothing wrong with regular waffles. NOTHING. If you love your waffles, then you keep going πŸ‘

But I have big, super active teens and kids who are always hungry. So at the moment, my priority is working at ways to get my kids the nutrients they need to function well, to keep them full AND to do it in ways that will not break my budget (good luck right?!).

These waffles have more protein, more heart healthy fats, more fibre and are lower in sugar than your standard waffle, BUT importantly they still taste delicious!

  • 1 1/2 cups self raising flour
  • 1/2 cup almond meal
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/3 cup hemp seeds
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 medium banana, very ripe
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean paste
  • 1 cup milk
  • 25g butter, melted

Mix together all of the dried ingredients in a large bowl and set aside.

Into blender/bullet/thermomix, place the banana, eggs, vanilla and milk. Blend until very smooth (Speed 5, 8 secs).

Add the wet mix to the dry mix and mix until well combined (Speed 4, 12 secs. Scrape down and process again for 5 seconds if necessary). The mix doesn’t need beating.

Add in the melted butter and mix until well combined (Speed 4, 5 secs).

Into a preheated waffle maker, place approx 1/2 cup mixture of the batter, and cook until golden brown – this usually takes a couple of minutes, and I like to flip the waffle part way through to get an even colour … but that might just be my waffle maker!

Serve warm with your favourite toppings. Nut or seed better with berries is my favourite, and it will help to keep those tummies satisfied. Chopped banana and a drizzle of honey is great too

Makes 5-6 depending on size … I usually (ok, always!) make a double batch πŸ˜†

To freeze, allow to cool completely and then lay on a paper towel in a single layer inside a ziplock bag. A great solution for when a speedy school day breakfast is required.

Need Gluten free? Use the same amount of a one-to-one GF flour blend, or use 1 1/3 cups of a standard GF, SR flour mix.

Need Dairy Free? Use equal quantities of a plant based milk (look for high protein and calcium fortified – we use high protein soy or almond mostly), and a vegan butter.

Need Egg Free? Use an egg placement mix (the Orgran one is great), or use another 1/2 a ripe banana and 3 tbsp of aquafaba. Add the egg replacement mix or the aquafaba in at the same time that you would add the butter, not at the blending stage.

Need Nut Free? Replace the almond meal with a seed meal, or 1/2 cup of roughly blended oats.

Enjoy πŸ™‚

P.S if you would like a chocolate version (and why wouldn’t you?! πŸ˜†) … Replace the almond meal with hazelnut meal, add in 2 tbsp of cocoa, 1/4 cup sugar and 2 tbsp more milk.

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